Browse our Oral Histories – Page 1

Anne Arfaa
Anne Arfaa grew up on Timber Lane in the house originally owned by John Wagner (1824 – 1902), whose son, Anne’s great great uncle, founded the Wagner Free Institute. Anne shares memories of the Wagner family history, Ravenhill, and her Timber Lane neighbors.

Nancy Berman and Nancy Holmes
These animated Nancys talk about growing up on West Queen Lane – playing, shopping, exploring, school.
Nancy Berman shares memories of her grandfather’s business – Turner Funeral Home at Ridge and Midvale.

Gerard Bernhardt
In six detailed interviews, Gerard Bernhardt, an East Falls optician, discusses his Army Basic Training, being wounded in France during WWII, living at four East Falls addresses while raising 11 children, and his involvement and impressions of the neighborhood throughout over five decades.

Ella Boyd McGlynn
Born in 1893 in East Falls, Ella gives vivid descriptions of stores, institutions, medical care, and people of of East Falls past, including the Dobsons, Kellys, and Hohenadels
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Lorraine Brown
In 1953, Lorraine and her family moved to Abbottsford Homes, federally built housing in East Falls primarily for military employees and veterans.
Lorraine describes the camaraderie of the residents and her memories of Abbottsford’s transition to low income public housing.

Jean Buckley (right, with sister Arelene)
Born in 1920 on Cresson Street, Jean also lived on Indian Queen, New Queen, Netherfield and Vaux Streets.
Jean shares memories of her youth in East Falls, the Falls Methodist Church, and her role as a local air raid warden in WWII.

Theresa (Altomare) Corcoran
Born in 1923, Theresa grew up and raised her family in East Falls. Highlights of her interview include: Stanton Street, St. Bridget, the Depression, Irish and Italian immigrants

Ruth Camburn and Loretta McDermott (photo)
Loretta (b. 1923) and Ruth (b. 1928), lifetime Fallsers from Calumet Street, reminisce about their lives in the Falls – playing on the street, moving from Breck School to Mifflin, the Kellys, local stores, and their houses and churches (St. Bridget and Falls Methodist).
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Mary Cashman
Born in 1925, Mary moved to Eveline Street in East Falls in 1947 and never moved. Interview focuses on St. Bridget Church, stores along Ridge and Midvale Avenues.

The Kelly Sisters
Entertaining interview with the sisters of Grace Kelly reminiscing about their growing up in East Falls.

Robert Connolly
Born on Calumet Street, Robert lived in four East Falls locations.
This unique “interview” contains six years of email correspondence in
which Robert writes vivid, detailed reminiscences of Woodside Park (where his father worked), the Bathey, Breck School, Falls Library, Dutch Hollow, Fourth of July, stores, recreation, and more.

Theresa (Altomare) Corcoran
Born in 1923, Theresa grew up and raised her family in East Falls. Highlights of her interview include: Stanton Street, St. Bridget, the Depression, Irish and Italian immigrant
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Paul and Freddie Costello
Interview with John Costello and his wife Freddie, John was an American triple Olympic Gold Medal winner in
rowing, who grew up in East Falls and rowed with his cousin John B. Kelly, Sr.

Mary Cote, M.D.
Mary Cote, M.D. (b. 1929) shares memories of her alma mater, Women’s Medical, as well as her years living at Carlton Park Apartments, attending Church of the Good Shepherd, and witnessing changes in East Falls in the 1960’s – ‘90’s. Her work at St. Christopher’s Kidney Transplant Program is also discussed.

Robert Dagney
Bob Dagney, a third generation Fallser, reminisces about his family, St. Bridget’s, the old neighborhood, and his experiences in Viet Nam

Grace Davis & Hazel Stamm
Memories of two sisters growing up in East Falls, including their recollections of Dobson Mills.